ページ 22


Posted: 14/03/24(月) 22:15
by 486HA
シノバー さんが書きました:本題から外れますが、psavemarkは初期のパピーにあった SAVEMARK を 5.x系で BootFlash 登場のさいに整備されたものです
BarryK さんが書きました:Posted on 14 Sep 2010, 10:02 by BarryK
psavemark boot param
Introducing a new kernel boot parameter. If you have this kernel boot param:


And say that you are booting off a usb flash drive with two partitions. You have vmlinuz, initrd.gz and puppy.sfs in the first partition.

A typical scenario with large flash drives is that you might create a vfat first partition, quite small, as some PCs need that to boot the flash device.

But, you would like the save file to be in the second partition. Or if the second partition is a Linux f.s. you can save the session to the entire partition.

Now, by passing 'psavemark=2' you tell the init script the partition number in the boot drive in which the save file is located (or to be located).

Note that file 'SAVEMARK' in the first partition can also have the value "2" in it and this will override the boot param. The 'SAVEMARK' file is already implemented in recent Woof-built puppies (including Lucid). But now I have added the boot param.


Posted: 14/04/04(金) 11:37
by friskmac
遅くなってすみません解決しました自動マウントさせていたDropbox を消しNTFSのドライブをNTFSでフォーマットしたところ問題なく使用できました